Catch, Effort and CPUE by Selected Gears

This query generates a time series summary of selected parameters by gear type. Only gears with sufficient data are available separately for each Island Area and Data Source selected (the rest are lumped under "All Others"). Output includes estimated weight landed (pounds), estimated effort (units are trips for boat-based fisheries and gear-hours fished for shore-based methods), and catch per unit effort (CPUE = lbs. per effort unit). The resulting output includes insular fisheries data sources (for all islands), as well as commercial longline fishery data (Hawaii and American Samoa only). Longline Logbook program data is provided from the year 2000 to present. Note that only non-confidential summary data are provided.

Site updated on August 30, 2023 to include data from 2022.

(Choose One)

(Selectable Based on Data Collection Choice)

First, select Island Area and Data Source.
Use pop up revisions from total landings page.

Choose Data Summary Type: If you select "Total Pounds by Gear", your query will be completed in this step. Your query is only selectable further if you choose the "Pounds by Species or Group" option.
Data Summary info
Data Summary info